Saturday, June 27, 2009

The King has died...R.I.P MJ

The King of Pop...the legend on stage...the elastic rubberband man who could move any joint u wanted him to...the master idol...Michael jackson is no more...

It took a long time time for that news to sink still not able to believe it. I first felt that it was just a rumor like the one spread long back which said Michael died in an operation (along with a foto).! But now, when the news was aired on BBC, CNN, NDTV...i realized that this time it wasn't any rumor... indeed the moonwalker had walked his way to the heavens.

Really sad...but that has put an end to a life that rose like the phoenix, and was beginning to wither away...A life that seemed at some stage as a cornucopia of success,fame and stardom had began to wane...of course am talking of the troubles he faced in stupid cases framed against him....but yesterday the moonwalker walked past all those troubles with the same ease he used to do the moonwalk with.

He was my idol...but now he's gone...gone with him are those controversies...gone with him are those " AAOOOOOHHHH"s ...gone with him are those jam packed concerts...gone with him those dance steps. Am left with just his music...not just me...the whole world has just his music n his videos to cherish....the aooooooohhhs will only be heard on computer speakers...those dance steps in archive videos...those concerts in record books.
I was always a fan of his from the very first day i saw one of his songs on was Beat It...n he did beat everyone with that song. I was definitely one of them. I grew mad about dancing...all i wanted to do in my life was to dance along side him some day...of course those dreams were just dreams...They say,'childhood dreams are never meant to be true', may be that's why...
But then, i was not the only young boy to have dreamt such a dream, for there were millions of people...young boys n girls...big boys n girls, who wanted to see him dance...who wanted to at some time of their lives be able to dance like moonwalk like him with him...all those dreams got washed away with tears that people couldn't control...tears that said it all...

All alone at left with just his music...justtt his that would never die...

i cant express my grief more...
coz i may just not stop....
The King has died, let him Rest in Peace...


Sid said...

he's one of the most talented artists of all times!..
others might take decades to reach to wat he reached in 3 decades.


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