Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Falling reason to Love..

For the first and second part:
I )
II )


They said ask him why he loves you. They said ask him can't he find anyone with the same qualities. They all said there are better people you'll get. They all said they know more. But None of them had ever experienced the silence inside when such words of fire are fired right at your face with no mercy. None had felt the pain that such words create in a chaos filled mind. None could fathom the depth that these kind looking words could reach. They asked me what I am, what ability I had to ever think of love. They asked me to end it. But None had ever put on my shoes to see how it felt, None had my eyes to see the world I saw, None could think that these eyes had loads of tears that were held by the brute force of will. None had ever felt what it feels to be on the other side of fire... and yet they thought they were right.

"Give me reason to wash this memory clean,
 Give me reason to fill this hole, connect the space between.
 Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies,
 across this new divide."

I have asked myself those same questions every single time I looked into her eyes. Every single beat of heart that we shared had asked the same question a thousand times over and over again. The truth that came out that moment, and the only answer that still engulfs my mind is that I do not know. I've tried a lot and each time I got a new answer. May be I love her because she's the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life. May be I love her because there's no one in the world who knows me the way she does. May be I love her because she is sweet. "May be", that's an interesting set of words, may be, they say a lot and yet they end up saying nothing.

Like merciless stones into a lake, they threw those questions into my unarmed mind. Like a defenseless fort plundered by trebuchets, my mind crumbled into a heap of soft bricks bleeding the glue that had helped it stay strong. I was left with only chaos, and it was in this chaos that I found a hint of truth, the truth why I had loved her so much. In this chaos were answers. Amid this chaos were my answers to them, to those who questioned, to those who felt I didn't.

"I remember a prison of all memories,
and I'm drowning in tears come n help me please.
Stay with me...Stay with me,
baby when the lights go down.."

She knew me from the time I knew myself. The answer to why I love her is like that grain of white stone amid cooked rice, difficult to find, but once it hits, leaves its mark; difficult to know, but once it hits, difficult to ignore. The reason why I love her is something I do not know, for all i know is that she puts in that little bit of light in my mind the moment it turns dark. Her mere presence puts a blanket over my worries and brings back a smile which otherwise would've been lost in the debris of chaos. It brings in floods of happiness and joy when I get to laugh with her, something which has always been filtered by stones of relations and mud of uncertainty till now. Somehow she relieves me of this muddy trench and lifts me up above the rain. She is the reason I choose never to give up, the reason why I became who I am. I may not be able to quantify this, but to make her smile is a task I'll never get tired doing and will never stop myself from doing. It is by far the best work I do, for I know I am pretty good at it. Is she the most beautiful thing I've seen? No, I've seen Audis and Jaguars, but still I can't take my eyes off her even when there's an Audi next to her.

 I will never be able to explain or quantify such pointless yet meaningful things I've known about us. But she was the one I had when I experienced that silence inside when those words of fire were fired right at our face with no mercy. She had felt the pain that those words created in my chaos filled mind. She knew the depth that those kind looking words would reach. She was the only one who could see the world through my eyes, for she was that brute force which held together my tears.

When their words burned through my mind, she held my hand, felt my pain as I silently watched my world crumble...and yet they thought they were right.


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