Friday, January 15, 2016

Introverted Polynomial

Introverted Polynomial:

My silence hits unnerving chords
My sadness hits my tears.
My mind could blurt a thousand words
My eyes could sing a curse.
My arms and legs had seen it all
yet my face would still not tell
how peaceful I have been outside
with chaos all these years.

Everyday I see these files
I wonder if at all,
the file is how my life has been
no blunder yet to fall.
With pages filled with words and lies
I lay calm on my desk,
no brow would move in this damn war
my face would be my wall.

The world may find my silence bore
my way of life unclear.
My doldrums loud and seldom proud
my attitude not dear.
The world may ask me to grow up
for my wall is what they see,
but when this war is old and done
the world would know for real,
that far beyond their words and lies,
and deep within my fort,
inside my soul is where I know
I will conquer my fear.
I will conquer my fear.



Charan said...

Good Vishnu. More than the poem, your title caught me. Introverted polynomial :)

Charan said...

Good Vishnu. More than the poem, your title caught me. Introverted polynomial :)

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